Monday, October 3, 2011

Kaisensei's Brew of The Day x Bouitque Nayeli Givewaway Winner!

I'm so happy to announce the winner of my giveaway! I apologize for being a tad late. I still don't have internet at the house. (boo.. >__<) So blogging, tweeting, and all the other important net stuff has been kind of put on a hold because of that. Still, I'm not letting this dilemma stop me from announcing the much awaited winner of this giveaway! Haha. Ako na ang excited!

So that everyone gets a fair chance, I assigned random numbers to each qualified entry for every person who joined this giveaway. There were 36 people who joined this giveaway which gave a total of 254 entries! Then using the Random Integer function at, I was able to get a set of random numbers which I assigned to each one. (yes career ito mga dears!) Then FINALLY, using Random Number Generator the winning number was chosen!  

So Congratulations to...

You just won a pair of skinny jeans from Boutique Nayeli!
I tweeted and emailed you already. I hope you will be able to respond as soon as possible or else I will have to choose a different winner after 48 hours. 

Anyway, for those who weren't able to win a Boutique Nayeli Skinny Jeans - don't fret. 
I'm pretty sure you'll hear more from Boutique Nayeli very soon!

See you dears soon! Mwah!

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Spill the beans! <3