Wednesday, May 16, 2012

OOTD - Two Years and New Shoes

Brown TOP - Gifted
Black Leggings - Bazaar
Black Wedge - SM Parisian

Photography by C. Pineda

I read a blog post somewhere that encouraged me to look at my old facebook photos and albums and then blog about it. I wasn't really planning to do that but I just so happened to stumble on these photos taken TWO YEARS AGO! I couldn't resist posting it for my Outfit Diary Post. 

Oh how I wish I'm still as slim as I was back then! I still have my SM Parisian Wedges with me but I can't wear them anymore, it needs to visit a shoe doctor. hehe.

EDIT: Hahaha.. I just noticed that I wasn't able to explain away the term "NEW SHOES". I just bought a new pair of shoes for the next school year. Last weekend was SALE SALE SALE everywhere! So there I was at Landmark and saw this. 

I mean, who couldn't resist checking THAT out! So I did. 

Meet my new "K" shoes! 

From 995 pesos to 298.50 pesos!

 Anyway, this is just a short update on my blog. Will be posting again later tonight!

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Spill the beans! <3