Showing posts with label Cause. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cause. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just Cause - Walk For Freedom

Hey Coffeeholics! I don't normally do this but this topic is definitely one that I just can't turn away and ignore. Even as we celebrate the Philippine Independence Day, sadly there are a lot of us who are not experiencing the same freedom as we have right now. The rise of Human Trafficking is horrifying and we must raise the alarm and awareness about this and help out our fellow in letting all attain true freedom even from modern day slavery. This is what WALK FOR FREEDOM is all about.

I was made aware of Human Trafficking last year when I attended an event hosted by the Visayan Forum and MTV Exit which I blogged about here. And now thanks to a friend, I was informed by another event by Visayan Forum to raise awareness about this major issue on Human Trafficking.

WALK FOR FREEDOM - Filipinos unite to end Human Trafficking will be held on Friday, June 15, starting at 7 A.M. at the Ayala Triangle, Makati City. The walk will bring together civil society groups, faith based organizations, volunteers, business sector, and government agencies to demonstrate the Filipinos' unity against trafficking and exploitation. This walk will be symbolic in the sense that it will demonstrate the spirit of "bayanihan" - neighbors helping each other in a spirit of solidarity. At the same time, it will demonstrate the overwhelming public clamor for immediate action by political leaders on pending legislations and proposals that will help those who are trapped or are vulnerable to bondage and modern-day slavery. 

I cannot even imagine how horrible the fate is for thousands of our fellow Filipinos who wish for a better life but end up victims by traffickers for sex exploitation and forced labor. Don't you want to be a part of this movement that will help bring FREEDOM to our kababayans?

"Walk for Freedom is our last stand against trafficking and slavery. This is already a full force action from different sectors of society to show that we Filipinos will not tolerate slavery in any form," said Visayan Forum Founder and Executive Director Ma. Cecilia Flores-Oebanda. 

Unfortunately I cannot go coz I have work that time. So I'm doing my part now by blogging about this and spreading the news. I would go if I hadn't had any work. So why not remember and commemorate our Independence day by doing the right thing - by making a stand against trafficking and slavery and in the process set our fellow Filipinos free.

So if you would like to participate in this event or know more about this, you may check out the following for more info: