Showing posts with label Giveaway Winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway Winner. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kaisensei's CBTL 2014 Planner Giveaway WINNER

Hey Coffeeholics! I'd just like to say THANK YOU to everyone who joined my CBTL 2014 Planner giveaway! Yay! Thanks so much for tweeting, following, liking, and even commenting on my blog. It is valued and appreciated. :) yay! So anyway, I've finally picked the winner for this giveaway and sooo...

EDIT: I announced previously that Sienna Pascual was the winner, but she hasn't responded for more than 7 days so I have chosen a new winner!


No. 45

No. 45 Lornadahl Campilan!

Yay! Congrats Lornadahl, you just got yourself a CBTL 2014 Planner! Kindly EMAIL or PM me on FB or DM on Twitter your contact details.

For those who didn't win, DON'T WORRY! I will be having another giveaway for FEBRUARY! So do look forward to that. Hope you all have an awesome long weekend.

(EDIT: Yes I have a new giveaway coming up! Will be posting asap!)

KUNG HEI FAT CHOI! Happy Chinese New Year!

*failure to respond to notification within 7 days means prize will be forfeited and given to another person who joined the giveaway. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Winner of Kaisensei x Royal Koffer SATCHEL BAG giveaway

Who doesn't want to own this bag? :)

Hi Coffeeholics! I apologize for my late pst of the winner of my giveaway. I was sick the past few days so I was only able to finalize things only now. The reason why it took so long was because I had to total the number of entries per person and then assign RANDOM ticket numbers per entry to give everyone a fair chance. My goodness.. assigning random numbers per ticket per person is no joke. I think I did it the hard way coz I swear I know it shouldn't be this hard. On my next giveaway I will use Rafflecopter. ANYWAY, using, the first number to appear after clicking the "generate number" buttont -- the winning number is 17! So after checking my excel list, this means the winner is...


Kindly email me your contact number and mailing address so that I can send the bag over. You have 72 hours to confirm and contact me about these details. Otherwise, the prize will be forfeited and I will draw again another winner. 

As for everyone else, thank you so much for all your support in reading my blog. Hopefully I will have another giveaway again thanks to my blog sponsors. There might be another one again very soon. :) So let's look forward to that.

Anyway, I hope you all have an AWESOME weekend! God bless!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Kaisensei's Brew of The Day x Bouitque Nayeli Givewaway Winner!

I'm so happy to announce the winner of my giveaway! I apologize for being a tad late. I still don't have internet at the house. (boo.. >__<) So blogging, tweeting, and all the other important net stuff has been kind of put on a hold because of that. Still, I'm not letting this dilemma stop me from announcing the much awaited winner of this giveaway! Haha. Ako na ang excited!

So that everyone gets a fair chance, I assigned random numbers to each qualified entry for every person who joined this giveaway. There were 36 people who joined this giveaway which gave a total of 254 entries! Then using the Random Integer function at, I was able to get a set of random numbers which I assigned to each one. (yes career ito mga dears!) Then FINALLY, using Random Number Generator the winning number was chosen!  

So Congratulations to...

You just won a pair of skinny jeans from Boutique Nayeli!
I tweeted and emailed you already. I hope you will be able to respond as soon as possible or else I will have to choose a different winner after 48 hours. 

Anyway, for those who weren't able to win a Boutique Nayeli Skinny Jeans - don't fret. 
I'm pretty sure you'll hear more from Boutique Nayeli very soon!

See you dears soon! Mwah!