Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2013

SM Accessories Summer 2013 Promo

Hey Coffeeholics! SM ACCESSORIES, the fashion accessories authority has an awesome ongoing summer promo for you. Like their Facebook page 

then check out the contests they have for this summer and you can win these fabulous prizes like this Calvin Klein eyewear that would complete your summer. They will also be giving away Police eyewear and don't miss out on getting a chance to win one of the four iPhone 5 cellphones that is up for grabs!

Oh diba? Who doesn't want to get a winner look with SM Accessories this summer plus be a winner as well with SM Accessories. :)

Have a fab and chic summer!
mwah mwah,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Celebrating World Teachers' Day | Galileo Enrichment Learning Program Giveaway

World Teachers' Day is on October 5 and would you believe that I had no idea about it! UNESCO started the annual World Teachers' Day October 5, 1994 and has continued the tradition since then. If you visit the World Teachers' Day website, listed there are several ways on how you can celebrate this event. You can also share your photos at their site on how you celebrated World Teachers' Day. You can also send an e-card to teachers on their site. Here in the Philippines, I know that some give their teachers gifts such as flowers, chocolates, or a hand made card by their students. I know this coz I remember getting them when I was teaching preschool almost 8 years ago as my first teaching job. But I tend to forget the date so I was caught by surprise yesterday.

I only found out when several people messaged me or tweeted me a greeting. I thought it was a joke or a prank but I was later convinced when some parents greeted me. You have to forgive me though coz I haven't been online that much lately. The recent typhoons wreaked havoc on our internet at home and was only able to have it up and running like last night. So yeah, I was totally clueless! So basically I ended up "celebrating" World Teachers' Day by doing what all teachers are supposed to do -- teach! hihi. I was also quite caught up guiding one of my students in knitting an Afghan. I'm also teaching some students in the Needles and Thread craft (crochet, knitting, embroidery, and cross-stitch).

Photo Credit here.
But seriously, I love being a teacher! Even though I'm now also exploring the world of blogging and writing, teaching has always been my passion. I must admit that one of the main reasons why I got into teaching was because of MY teachers while I was still in high school. They were not there just to teach me concepts and help me in my learning but they were also there to teach me many other things that could not be learned from text books. One thing that really struck me was the way they showed that they really cared! I was quite close to one of my teachers during high school and I valued very much the advice that he gave me, the short stories with moral lessons that he would share in the morning, and the way he treated each student that showed how much he personally cared about our lives. My mom was a elementary public school teacher as well. I saw her passion, love, concern, and dedication to her students by doing things that are over and beyond "the call of duty" so to speak. I remember how she shelled out her own money and asked help from other people so that all the students in her class would have a seat and a table! All of this inspired me to try my best to be like them now that I'm a teacher myself. I want my students to enjoy their high school life the same way I enjoyed mine. I know the journey to absolutely achieve that isn't easy but I am giving my best! I hope that by truly caring for each student will help make a difference or at least inspire them as much as my own teachers inspired me. I've been a teacher for 8 years already and LOVING IT! So I just want to give a shout out to all the teachers out there! Happy World Teachers' Day!

Me holding a drawing of me that one of my students made during my birthday.
So of course to commemorate this event, I am giving away a FREE 2-WEEK SCHOLARSHIP coupon of the MATH or ENGLISH Enrichment Program from Galileo Enrichment Learning Program.

I learned about Galileo Enrichment Learning Program at the Blogapalooza event held by last month. They caught my interest when they mentioned that they would be hosting the Singapore Math Learning Festival this October 8. (The tickets to the Festival are already SOLD OUT though!) I wasn't able to register and now I wish I had since one of the sessions was about "Making Geometry Easy with Singapore Math" which would have really been handy in my classroom. Anyway, the Galileo Enrichment Learning Program and its centers aim to help EMPOWER LEARNERS by PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES for learning enrichment that will make them INDEPENDENT, LIFE-LONG LEARNER. They make learning sound so much fun and present it in such a way to capture the interest of the learner. They use a new and different way of learning to capture the interest and inspire mastery to the students! Isn't that awesome? Who doesn't want to h

This Coupon entitles you to a Free 2-Week Scholarship of the
Math or English Enrichment Program!
Coupon is valid only until December 31, 2011
You have to call up the Galileo Head Office to set center appointment.
Anyway, since I don't have my own kids yet, I decided that the best thing that I can do is give it away to you guys! The mechanics are very simple:

1. You must be a follower of my blog. 
3. Tweet about this giveaway tagging me and  @GalileoEnrichment. (optional)
4. Post on the comment box below your name, GFC, FB, and email address. 

I will pick out the winner on October 26. This Giveaway is open to Metro Manila Residents only. Please check out Galileo Enrichment Facebook and follow them on Twitter to be updated! So Coffeeholics, if you know anyone who might be interested in Galileo Enrichment Learning Program, do please share this to them. This time, let's spread the joy of learning to others! Hope you all enjoy the rest of the week!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Clinique Party Part 3 - The Search for Miss Clinique Contest by wickeRmoss

As you all know, I've done several posts earlier about wickeRmoss' Clinique Party that was held last week. I thought that was the end of my post series but Charles sprang another awesome surprise to us by holding a contest for the Clinique Party attendees which is the search for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique! She will be giving out "limited edition" prizes from Clinique and some personal prizes as well from her! The best part of this is that its just only first part coz the second part will be for those who weren't able to attend. And I just can't wait to see the prizes. It looks like its going to be a surPRIZE that you don't wanna miss! So go visit wickeRmoss and read more about this contest in detail. 

And now, the main reason for this blog - A Hundred Reasons why I'm the perfect wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique!

The future wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique?
*crosses her fingers and prays!*
1. I'm the perfect candidate for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique because I'm in love with Clinique and Clinique loves ME and MY SKIN! lol. Yep thats right! Ever since I tried out Clinique's 3 step, my face has never felt the same way again! Step 3 is my favorite now because Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel is like cool water on dry land .. well maybe a bit oily "land" at that! But the point is, I can feel the softness and see my face starting to become radiant and healthy looking AGAIN!

2. I'm the perfect candidate for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique because Clinique loves me and my eyes! I'm super duper in love with Clinique's "All About Eyes" because it keeps my eye makeup intact. No smudges, no streaks, and oil free! (I will product review about All About Eyes very soon). 

3. I'm the perfect candidate for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique because I love their eyeshadow palette. Especially Color Surge Eye Shadow Trio - Totally Neutral. It has all the basic colors that I need and love! I know that Clinique also loves me because of our luv luv relationship during college as my one and only eyeshadow. And oh, of course, the famous lipstick that was my staple for quite some time. Plus, all the effort of NOT getting makeup from any
Thanks soooo much sis!

4. I'm the perfect candidate for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique because I'm happy coz Clinique makes me happy especially with their Happy Fragrance for women. I too used to be NOT Happy. I was full of drama, pain, and depression. I hated the unfair world. I hated myself and I hated my body and face. I felt I was plain, ugly, and fat. But a lot has changed since that time. I'm now a better person who has found true happiness and satisfaction because of a special encounter. Most importantly, I now love God, love myself, love my body, and love everybody -- especially Clinique!

5. I'm the perfect candidate for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique because all the Clinique products, especially the reputed limited edition, is begging to stay with me forever! LOL. I have never won a blog giveaway/contest before. So having CLINIQUE as my FIRST definitely sets the bar. Its just like the saying, "First Love.. Never Dies.." Plus a little trivia: I'm single, unattached, and available so I'm definitely still a "Miss"which all the more qualifies me right? (hehe) I'd definitely love to add the title "wickeRmoss Miss Clinique" to my name! 

6. I'm the perfect candidate for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique because Clinique and I MATCH. I'm allergic and Clinique is allergy-free! We GO TOGETHER!

7. I'm the perfect candidate for wickeRmoss' Miss Clinique because I... will NOT blog up the rest of the hundred. I am so\ understanding right? I am so willing to be sooo detailed in my blog right? AND I am soooo excited about this that I'm even skipping my precious sleeping time before I go to work. Yes, that's how much I want to win. Please excuse my competitive streak.

So again, I just wanna say thank you to wickeRmoss for all your hard work,  for the invites, and for thinking this up. I am truly blessed to even attend the event. This follow-up contest has really challenged me again and reminded me why I write.. why I blog.. and why I want to be wickeRmoss Miss Clinique. 

So how about you coffeeholics? Have you joined the contest na and won? Share your experience! How did you win? Or do you have a contest or giveaway that you joined already and wanna share? Go ahead and post in my comments. I love giveaways and maybe in the very near future I might hold one myself. In the meantime, so share share share my dears! 

p.s. Have you read my Clinique Party Experience yet? Read Clinique Party Part 1 here and Clinique Party Part 2. 

p.p.s. Have you clicked that LIKE button on my FB BLOG PAGE there at the right side? Pls just do so. Or click that plus 1 there. Anyway, that's all folks! Thanks so much!
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Charice back on Glee!

Yes, I AM a Charice Fan. Loud and proud! I watched the telecast here in the Philippines last night and it was amazing! The Glee episode "Night of Neglect" featured Charice singing Celine Dion's "All By Myself" was superb as usual!!! Some people on youtube think that her rendition here is not as good as her singing it live like during the one on David Foster and Friends tour. Well, you compare and judge!

This is her second time on Glee. She was awesome though her character, Sunshine Corazon, showed her "mean diva~ish" streak. So unlike Charice though.. hehe. Of course with her comeback, the much buzzed news about her new single -- "Before It Explodes" which was originally written by Ari Levine and Bruno Mars.

Also this week, Charice tweeted about her other song release which is "One Day" which is produced and written by @NickJonas. Its cool and catchy, personally I really liked that song. Apparently its also part of Acuvue's advertisement campaign. Charice also tweeted about this encouraging her fans to visit Acuvue's FB page (click here) and like it and join a contest which looks like only available to US citizens. (sniffs.. ) All you have to do to do to join the competition is to send an awesome picture of yourself and your 1Day dream phrase and get people to vote for your photo.The prizes sound awesome!


$50 iTunes Gift Card 
Six month supply of1·DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® Brand Contact Lenses


Star with Charice in the music video for her hit "One day" or see your 1·DAY photo in the video, plus get a free download of “One day”.

I would have soooo joined but unfortunately contest is only open for US citizens. So if you live in the U.S. and you are a Charice fan like me, JOIN CONTEST NOW! lol. Then maybe you can give me that supply of Acuvue contacts! *winks* Anyway, if you wanna hear her the ONE DAY song, you can click the video below and enjoy. Let me know what you think! :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Coach - YSL, Poppy, CHANEL Giveaway

Since I'm actually a bit new on this whole blogging business, I was pleasantly surprised with all the wonderful opportunities and freebies that are given away online!

 One of the amazing freebies that I just recently stumbled upon is from Elle of the Ball COACH - PUPPY, YSL, CHANEL Giveaway Contest. I saw this from Vernz blog and I was amazed how simple it was to join this $300 giveaway contest! All you have to do is visit and CLICK HERE for the details. Its that easy! So join now and get a chance to win these awesome stuff! Contest is open internationally and will end on August 25, 2010. I just joined and now I'm crossing my fingers and hope that I will win this contest! :)