Monday, June 18, 2012

Hyundai Life in Style - Fashion Confidential

One of the interesting and informative events that I attended just before the start of classes was One Hyundai Club's LIFE IN STYLE event called FASHION CONFIDENTIAL. The event title itself was enough to stoke my curiosity and made me attend the event.

The event place was held at the Paire Cocktails and Pastries, 1st floor of Cocoon Boutique Hotel, Quezon City. It was small and cozy, perfect for an intimate setting and event for a Fashion Confidential so to speak.  When I found out it was going to be a seminar talk about style, I got really excited. I believe that there is always room for improvement. And I always welcome new knowledge that will be helpful and beneficial for me.

One Hyundai Club surely hit the mark by offering this kind of extra service to all Hyundai car owners. One Hyundai Club: Life in Style is open to all Hyundai car owners. It is a Customer Experience Program under the One Hyundai Club that gives members a taste of fine life that Hyundai customers truly deserve. It features exciting activities tailor-fitted to the lifestlye of OHC members, giving them a truly modern premium lifestyle. They have events catering to the family, the guys, the ladies, and even for the kids in the area of food, fashion, sports, movies and so much more. 

For this Fashion Confidential event, we were graced by Ms. Shaila Araneta, an image consultant at John Robert Powers. She shared a lot of styling tips based on our figure, skin tone, and height. Here are some important tips and advice which I'm sure we all need to hear.

One of the things that I'm glad that I learned from this event is the importance of feeling good coz you know you look good. Its so important for me to feel good about what I'm wearing. No matter how other people say that I look good, if I don't "FEEL" that I look good, my confidence in myself sometimes slips. So its really important you know what makes you look good and that you feel good about it.

Ms. Araneta went on to give us styling tips based on body shape, facial shape, and vertical direction. Not only that, we also found out what set of us colors suit us best. I found out that Summer colors (red, orange, yellow, etc) works best with my coloring. I'm not so sure about it but I'm willing to try it out! 

Well I definitely had a grand time during this event with fellow bloggers Jen, Karen, Rovie, and Lana. I'm very happy to have met these awesome gals who definitely know some style already. We enjoyed the awesome eats from Paire. 

And the event ended with us getting some stuff thanks to OHC and a certificate of attendance just like the other OHC members.Thank you so much One Hyundai Club!  Definitely there are a lot of perks in being a One Hyundai Club member. To know more about this, kindly check out their website or facebook page  for more updates.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just Cause - Walk For Freedom

Hey Coffeeholics! I don't normally do this but this topic is definitely one that I just can't turn away and ignore. Even as we celebrate the Philippine Independence Day, sadly there are a lot of us who are not experiencing the same freedom as we have right now. The rise of Human Trafficking is horrifying and we must raise the alarm and awareness about this and help out our fellow in letting all attain true freedom even from modern day slavery. This is what WALK FOR FREEDOM is all about.

I was made aware of Human Trafficking last year when I attended an event hosted by the Visayan Forum and MTV Exit which I blogged about here. And now thanks to a friend, I was informed by another event by Visayan Forum to raise awareness about this major issue on Human Trafficking.

WALK FOR FREEDOM - Filipinos unite to end Human Trafficking will be held on Friday, June 15, starting at 7 A.M. at the Ayala Triangle, Makati City. The walk will bring together civil society groups, faith based organizations, volunteers, business sector, and government agencies to demonstrate the Filipinos' unity against trafficking and exploitation. This walk will be symbolic in the sense that it will demonstrate the spirit of "bayanihan" - neighbors helping each other in a spirit of solidarity. At the same time, it will demonstrate the overwhelming public clamor for immediate action by political leaders on pending legislations and proposals that will help those who are trapped or are vulnerable to bondage and modern-day slavery. 

I cannot even imagine how horrible the fate is for thousands of our fellow Filipinos who wish for a better life but end up victims by traffickers for sex exploitation and forced labor. Don't you want to be a part of this movement that will help bring FREEDOM to our kababayans?

"Walk for Freedom is our last stand against trafficking and slavery. This is already a full force action from different sectors of society to show that we Filipinos will not tolerate slavery in any form," said Visayan Forum Founder and Executive Director Ma. Cecilia Flores-Oebanda. 

Unfortunately I cannot go coz I have work that time. So I'm doing my part now by blogging about this and spreading the news. I would go if I hadn't had any work. So why not remember and commemorate our Independence day by doing the right thing - by making a stand against trafficking and slavery and in the process set our fellow Filipinos free.

So if you would like to participate in this event or know more about this, you may check out the following for more info:

Monday, June 11, 2012

OOTD: Black White + Silver

Zebra Print Top - Landmark
Black Leggings - Bazaar
Animal Print Clogs - c/o Manels

Necklace - borrowed from my sister's (hehe idk where she got it)
Black Leather Studded bracelet - from Australia and Kisses & Co.
Key Ring - Anagon Collection
White Ring - Landmark
Timex Watch - c./o SM ACCESSORIES
It is no secret that I'm a big fan of BLACK clothing. So when I found out that the Benetton Event was themed BLACK & WHITE with Silver or Gold accessories, I didn't worry that much. But I did end up buying that top from Landmark. I wasn't happy with my initial pick for my outfit so I ended up buying this more on WHITE than BLACK outfit at Landmark. I don't normally choose more white~ish garments but hey I decided to challenge myself and break from my usual mode of pure black and go for it. I personally think that the Black and White Zebra print in the front hid properly the parts that I wanted to remain camouflaged. LOL. I wish the top would have been a tad bit longer. :P So if you ask me if I will wear this top again. Maybe but not too soon. Back to black and gray for me!

Actually in all honesty, its more on back to "teacher uniform" for me. Ugh. I hate wearing my Teacher Uniform. I feel old and blah in it. That's why I enjoy dressing up a bit whenever I get to go to events. Though what I wear don't always add "color" to my life, but wearing these clothes always make me feel good. Anyway, tomorrow is INDEPENDENCE DAY! Its a HOLIDAY and NO CLASSES! Yay! So what's your plans for tomorrow? Outing with the family? Bum around the house? Me? I'm going to have my Annual Checkup. Yes how exciting eh? Hehe. I wanna make good use of my time since I just can't take a leave coz I am handling a class so I take holidays like these and process stuff that I need to do so that I won't have to disrupt the routine of the class. Anyway, enjoy enjoy tomorrow's mini-vacation!